A community blog for the Learning with Computers Yahoo! Group
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
ABCya! Word Clouds for Kids!
'via Blog this'
Thursday, April 05, 2012
Google+ Hangouts SlideShare App | SlideShare Blog
Google+ Hangouts SlideShare App | SlideShare Blog:
'via Blog this'
Saturday, September 03, 2011
LWCBookmarks (weekly)
Free educational games and songs games for kids
Tags: interactive, elementary, resources
- - By Cara Whitehead
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… - The Best Online Resources To Teach About Plagiarism
Richard Byrne's Favorite Tech Resources for Teachers (Google Site, sitemap)
Tags: Byrne Richard, education, learning, online, resources, teaching, technology, tools
- - By Paul Beaufait
Posted from Diigo. The rest of LearningwithComputers group favorite links are here.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
LWCBookmarks (weekly)
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… - The Best Sites For Learning About The History Of Technology
The site provides accurate results for virtually everyone, from very small children (with answers input by parents) to professional linguists. It can calculate vocabulary sizes from less than 100 words to more than 40,000 words.
Tags: english, language, vocabulary, test
- - By haimju
Free games to reinforce the usage and spelling of contractions.
- - By Cara Whitehead
Free Technology for Teachers: Activities for Introducing Google Tools to Teachers and Students
TheInterviewr: A Really Easy, Fast, Free Way to Record Telephone Interviews
Posted from Diigo. The rest of LearningwithComputers group favorite links are here.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
LWCBookmarks (weekly)
Online converter - convert video, images, audio and documents for free
Convert media files online from one format into another. Works with audio, videos, images, documents, ebooks and archives, and also includes a "hash generator (?). Introduced to me by Marta Costa. Looks cool!
Tags: converter, tools, free, online
- - By Gladys Baya
- - By Gladys Baya
No Projector? Use QR Code & SlideShare to Share a Presentation on Smartphones - SocialTimes.com
The State of Digital Education Infographic - #edtech #edutech #edchat
Tips for Learning Foreign Languages
Tags: learningwithcomputers, online, learning, vocabulary, language, languages, grammar
- - By Miss Language
Posted from Diigo. The rest of LearningwithComputers group favorite links are here.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
LWCBookmarks (weekly)
- ... [An unrelated bookmark slipped through Diigo; it's gone from the group bookmarks site, so I've removed it here. PB, 2011.08.16]
- Great word list and free online games for the first week of school
- - By Cara Whitehead
- Creative commons
Saturday, August 06, 2011
LWCBookmarks (weekly)
eduTecher.net - explore. share. contribute.
Tags: edutecher, technology, web2.0, resources, education, edtech, teaching, tools
The Anatomy Of An Infographic: 5 Steps To Create A Powerful Visual | SpyreStudios
List Sharing - SpellingCity.com
Word lists from textbook series
Tags: spelling, vocabulary, textbook
- - By Cara Whitehead
Pegby: Peg it up, Move it Around, Get it Done.
Come to the board with friends, family and/or coworkers and get stuff done. Make your plans by pegging up cards to your board or boards. It's simple and fun.
Tags: organization, tasks, bulletinboard, notes, collaborate, board, writing, learning
Grisker | Free Online Magazine, Blog, Portfolio in a unique way
5 Ways Teachers Are Getting Inspired This Summer | MindShift
Tags: online, technology, education, resources, writing, teaching, learning, web2.0, tools, Summer, ways, teachers
Tags: web2.0, technology, facebook, search, tools, find, people
- - By Jenny Anderson
The Secret to Managing Your Social Stream | Social Media Today
Posted from Diigo. The rest of LearningwithComputers group favorite links are here.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
LWCBookmarks (weekly)
Tags: English, Engrish, errors, humor, humour, Japan, language
Not The “Best,” But A List… Of Online Video Editors | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...
8 Great Free Digital Presentation Tools For Teachers To Try This Summer
Tags: education, edtech, presentation, powerpoint-alternatives, technology
- - By mbarek Akaddar
Science vocabulary for all content areas and age levels (K-12)
- - By Cara Whitehead
Common Core Curriculum Maps | Digital Resources
Common Core resources
Tags: CommonCore, digital resources, tools, digital, resources
- - By andrew bendelow
Radical Curriculum Sharing at the Open High School of Utah | Edutopia
Nice set of open source learning resources
Tags: online, technology, resources, open, source
- - By andrew bendelow
Posted from Diigo. The rest of LearningwithComputers group favorite links are here.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
LWCBookmarks (weekly)
Did you know Spelling City offers more than just spelling practice? There's vocabulary and writing, too. Check us out http://bit.ly/c3xqWy
Tags: via:packrati.us, resources, teacher
- - By Cara Whitehead
Infographic: How Technology is Facilitating Education
Tags: learningwithcomputers, education, tools, resources, learning, web2.0, online, technology, teaching
Infographic: Anatomy of a Teacher
Tags: learningwithcomputers, education, resources, web2.0, learning
Using the Voice Memo Iphone App for Corrective feedback
Tags: Newsletter, CALL, feedback, correctivefeedback, pronunciation, speaking, iphone, app, mlearning, classroom
Posted from Diigo. The rest of LearningwithComputers group favorite links are here.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
LWCBookmarks (weekly)
- Full-screen stopwatch and count-down timer
- - By Paul Beaufait
- Send files up to 100 MB. Get them stored online for 7 days. Recommended by Zamzar.
- - By Gladys Baya
- ... [An unrelated bookmark slipped through Diigo; it's gone from the group site, so I've removed it here. PB, 2011.07.17]
Saturday, July 09, 2011
LWCBookmarks (weekly)
fur.ly | shorten multiple urls into one
Tags: url, tinyurl, urlshrinkers, shorten, multipleurlshrinkers, fur.ly
The KYVL for Kids Research Portal - How to do research Home Base
Tags: web2.0, tool, research, information_literacy, education, technology
Teaching with Technology in the Middle: Revisioned Student Blogging
Tags: teaching, technology, blogging, digital-writing, digital-literacy
Nik's Learning Technology Blog: Crowdsourcing Knowledge with Students
Peachey recommends "a very simple brainstorming and voting website called tricider ... that it is incredibly quick and simple to use" (¶1, retrieved 2011.07.05).
Tags: crowdsourcing, education, learning, online, teaching, technology, tools
- Peachey recommends "a very simple brainstorming and voting website called tricider ... that it is incredibly quick and simple to use" (¶1, retrieved 2011.07.05). - By Paul Beaufait
111 EdTech Resources You May Have Missed–Treasure Chest July 3, 2011 | Tech the Plunge
Nice compendium of web-based learning resources from Thomas
Tags: Web 2.0, learning, tools, resources, teaching, online, technology, education
- - By andrew bendelow
Tags: independence, 4th, July
Posted from Diigo. The rest of LearningwithComputers group favorite links are here.
Saturday, July 02, 2011
LWCBookmarks (weekly)
WebList - The place to find the best web lists on the web
Tags: weblist, aggregator, list, Bookmark, lists
- Create a list you can easily share with your friends using a single URL.
A list can include anything from a collection of web pages, images, documents, videos and
more. Still have questions?
YouTube - ISTE 2011 Opening Keynote: Dr. John Medina (full-length)
ISTE keynote looks to the next generation of teaching software that "reads" students
Tags: iste11, keynote, teaching, learning, web2.0, education, tools, resources
- - By andrew bendelow
Abeywickrama, Priyanvada. (2011). The validity of nonnative speaker input in listening comprehension tests. [TESOL] Applied Linguistics Interest Section Newsletter (June 2011).
Tags: ALIS, applied linguistics, attitudes, IELTS, languages, linguistics, listening, native varieties, nonnative varieties, performance, skills, testing, tests, TESOL, TOEFL
- - By Paul Beaufait
- Test performance data in this study suggest that nonnative
varieties of English can be used as listening test input while attitude
questionnaire results go counter. - These findings support most of the previous research in
this area. - Until research shows that the use of nonnative English as input
is irrelevant to the construct of listening, we may be unable to use
such input in testing, especially in high-stakes tests such as TOEFL and
IELTS. - As nonnative speech gains recognition among language users
and test takers, we hope the attitudes and perceptions toward the use of
these varieties of English will change.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of LearningwithComputers group favorite links are here.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
LWCBookmarks (weekly)
ManyBooks.net - Ad-free eBooks for your iPad, smartphone, or eBook reader
Literature.org - The Online Literature Library
Tags: literature, books, ebooks, library, reference, resources, education, reading
Free English teaching materials for ESL
Tags: esl, english, resources, learning, teaching, language, ELL, grammar
Tags: ebooks, books, literature, library, gutenberg, ebook, reading
PointSmartClickSafe.org, Smart choices for internet safety
Tags: internetsafety, safety, internet_safety, online_safety, media_literacy
WiredKids, the ultimate online safety project for kids and teens!
Tags: cybersafety, safety, cyberbullying, internet_safety, internetsafety, internet safety, parents, kids, educators, teachers
HotChalk Learning Management System Connecting Teachers, Students and Parents
Tags: education, resources, tools, web2.0, LMS, collaboration, teachers
Tags: writing, writersworkshop, education, lessons, english, literacy, teaching
Education Eye - Mapping Innovations
Education Eye is a free, engaging and easy-to-use online space that gives access to a wide range of exciting, relevant and useful innovations which are selected from the best of the web and updated daily.
The Eye provides a way to discover, explore and share new ideas. It maps hundreds of the top educational websites, forums and practitioner case studies. With additional features like saving your own favourite innovations, Futurelab's favourites, customisable email digests and a downloadable widget version, it's invaluable for exploring educational innovations.Tags: education, innovation, mapping, web2.0, futurelab
- - By Barbara Moose
Digital Literacy across the Curriculum handbook | futurelab
Tags: digital literacy, handbook, literacy, digital citizenship, digitalcitizenship
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt - Global Education Challenge - Idea Display
H Mifflin - Globl Ed Chllge - Dorit' Eilon's goal-setting program = perfect for individ, networked learning http://diigo.com/0hy1x #edtech
Tags: challenge, education, global, dorit, eilon, goal-setting, knowledge, idea
- - By andrew bendelow
our educational system practices have a tendency to foster dependence, passivity and a "tell me what to do" attitude.
Effective learning is that students are in charge of their own learning and progress. A growing body of research indicates that when students are working on goals they themselves have set, they are more motivated and efficient, and they achieve more than they do when working on goals that have been set by the teacher.
..should teachers and students really be interacting with each other in this way? With proper adherence to respectful and professional interaction, and with the understanding that our personal and professional cyber presence cannot really be altogether separate and based on different standards...yes! Yes, we should! Who better to teach students how to develop online identities aligned with the same character education standards modeled in “real” life? Who better to guide them on what is acceptable interaction? I believe this is a wonderful opportunity for mentoring young students, and for the most part, we are currently opting out.
Tags: facebook, FB, ASCD, EDge, united states, blog, teacher-student, relationship, social_networking, education
- - By andrew bendelow
- .should teachers and students really be interacting with each other in this way? With proper adherence to respectful and professional interaction, and with the understanding that our personal and professional cyber presence cannot really be altogether separate and based on different standards...yes! Yes, we should! Who better to teach students how to develop online identities aligned with the same character education standards modeled in “real” life? Who better to guide them on what is acceptable interaction? I believe this is a wonderful opportunity for mentoring young students, and for the most part, we are currently opting out.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of LearningwithComputers group favorite links are here.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
LWCBookmarks (weekly)
- Resources to help you teach possessive nouns.
- - By Cara Whitehead
- ... [commercial promotional listing removed, 2011.06.20, PB]
Saturday, June 11, 2011
LWCBookmarks (weekly)
Tags: hootcourse, education, Classroom, socialmedia
- HootCourses are held online, using Twitter and Facebook as a virtual classroom space.
Be The Curator of Your Favorite Topic! | Scoop.it
Tags: bookmarking, tools, news
Digital Life: Today & Tomorrow on Vimeo
"Digital Life: Today & Tomorrow"
Tags: digital, life, today, tomorrow, future, technology, social
- - By John Evans
Posted from Diigo. The rest of LearningwithComputers group favorite links are here.
Saturday, June 04, 2011
LWCBookmarks (weekly)
"Online programs for recording, uploading, mixing, and interacting" (tagline), found thanks to Carla Arena's micro-review of one of the tools: Audio Delivery Made Super Simple (Collablogatorium, May 23, 2011).
Tags: audio, applications, education, interactive, learning, language, tools
- "Online programs for recording, uploading, mixing, and interacting" (tagline), found thanks to Carla Arena's micro-review of one of the tools: Audio Delivery Made Super Simple (Collablogatorium, May 23, 2011). - By Paul Beaufait
Mobile Perspectives: On teaching Mobile Literacy (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE
News: Tablets, Yes; E-Texts, Maybe - Inside Higher Ed
"Claims that tablets will revolutionize the learning experience often go hand-in-hand with a push for more digital textbooks, but the Pearson survey showed that students don't often link the two. While most students perceived an educational value to tablets, only 35 percent said they preferred digital editions to print editions, and only about half of those preferred tablets to other digital devices" (Keving Kiley, 2011.05.25, ¶8, retrieved 2011.05.30).
Tags: ebooks, education, higher education, iPads, reading, tablets, technology, tools
- - By Paul Beaufait
A practical guide to creating learning scenarios: part 2 | Onlignment
In part 1 of this series, we looked at what a learning scenario is, its basic structure, capabilities and applications. We move on now to look in more detail at the steps involved in creating simple scenarios to support learners in understanding the principles underlying everyday problem-solving and decision
Posted from Diigo. The rest of LearningwithComputers group favorite links are here.
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Want to Remember Everything You'll Ever Learn? Surrender to This Algorithm
. . .
Long-term memory, the Bjorks said, can be characterized by two components, which they named retrieval strength and storage strength. Retrieval strength measures how likely you are to recall something right now, how close it is to the surface of your mind. Storage strength measures how deeply the memory is rooted. . . .
. . . [L]aws of memory wreak havoc on students and teachers. One of the problems is that the amount of storage strength you gain from practice is inversely correlated with the current retrieval strength. In other words, the harder you have to work to get the right answer, the more the answer is sealed in memory. Precisely those things that seem to signal we're learning well — easy performance on drills, fluency during a lesson, even the subjective feeling that we know something — are misleading when it comes to predicting whether we will remember it in the future. . . .
(Gary Wolf, The problem of forgetting, ¶¶6-7, 04.21.08).
Friday, July 09, 2010
New Look and Old Look
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Personal Start Pages

Welcome to personal start pages for LwC! Over the next few weeks, we'll be exploring personal start or home pages, especially Pageflakes. With Pageflakes and similar online tools, you'll be able to create your own personal start page, bringing everything that you are interested in to one place! This makes it easy to see when your favorite blogs and sites have been updated, what your friends are saying on Twitter, or even what the weather is like! In order to get started, we'll review the very basics of RSS and then we'll get started creating our own personal, class, and professional pages using Pageflakes. As you'll see, you can easily customize your Pageflake to suit your interests and needs. Finally, in addition to Pageflakes, try out alternate tools, such as Netvibes and iGoogle, or even Protopage.
Week One Tasks: Personal Start Page Basics
1. Watch Nik Peachey's training video and/or read his post about start pages
2. Check out options for creating your personal start or home page, including Pageflakes, Netvibes, iGoogle, Protopage;
3. LwC members who already have a Pageflakes or start page, please share your URL with the group, so others can peruse sample pages from LwCers who already using them
Optional: If you need more information about RSS, please see Common Craft RSS in Plain English video
Questions: Please post a comment here on our LwC Blog.
How would RSS be useful for educators?
What is a Start or Home Page and how would it help you?
What are your initial impressions of Pageflakes?
Which option for creating your homepage will you try and why?
Other comments or questions?